EcoWise Certified Pest Management Services for Buildings

Pests and pesticides can harm humans, animals, and the environment.  Prevention is the secret to safe and effective pest management. Pesticides should be considered only as a last resort. 

Pesticide use in city-owned buildings or landscapes, including by contractors, is prohibited unless all requirements of the Integrated Pest Management Ordinance are met, including posting, recordkeeping, and compliance with the current Reduced Risk Pesticide List. See IPM Program Compliance Checklist.    > more information

EcoWise Certified is an independent, third-party certification program sponsored by the Association of Bay Area Governments. EcoWise distinguishes knowledgeable, leading-edge licensed pest management professionals who practice prevention-based pest control in structures. 

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When to Use

EcoWise Certified professionals can manage ants, roaches, flies, spiders, rodents, stinging insects, bed bugs and many other pests.  EcoWise Certification does not cover termites or other wood destroying organisms, and does not apply to pest management in landscapes.


Consumer, Industrial

Info on this product category: Services: Pest Management in Buildings


All structural pest control companies (that is, controlling pests in and around buildings) must be licensed under California law, but it isn't always easy to determine which companies practice a prevention-based, least toxic approach to managing pests. The best option is to find a certified company. 

Criteria for Services: Pest Management in Buildings

Criteria for Required services:

Pest control contractors must demonstrate a full working knowledge of and commitment to the integrated pest management approach, and comply with IPM Ordinance (Chapt. 3, Environment Code). This includes requirements for posting, recordkeeping, considering a range of potential treatments, saving pesticides as a last resort tactic, and restricting pesticide use to products listed on the current Reduced Risk Pesticide List. See request for proposals for pest management services that requires third-party certification, site visits and sample IPM plans at


Last updated: 
February 25, 2021

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