Energy Star Certified Televisions (TVs), Large Displays, Signage Displays
The environmental impacts of enterprise computer servers depends on much more than the specific products purchased. Server configurations, designs and locations of data centers, and types of backup power supplies are equally important. > more information
Info on this product category: Computer Servers
Why Go Green
- Worldwide, data centers use about 30 billion watts of electricity, roughly equivalent to the output of 30 nuclear power plants, according to a 2012 New York Times investigation.
- Only 6% to 12% of the electricity powering their servers is used to perform computations. The rest is essentially used to keep servers idling and ready in case of a surge in activity that could slow or crash their operations.
- Many data centers rely on diesel backup generators, which generate exhaust and pollute the air.
The US Green Building Council has developed a certification for green data centers in LEED v4 that covers the wide range of environmental issues involved.
Criteria for Computer Servers
Criteria for Suggested products:
Computer servers must be registered as EPEAT Bronze or higher at the time of purchase.
IT purchasers are encouraged to "right-size" their server specification in terms of memory and redundant power supplies, to review manufacturer data sheets of servers that meet the given need, and to choose models with high efficiency over a range of operating loads.
Exceptions: Network infrastructure, appliances, blades. See COIT Green Technology Purchasing Policy for definitions:
Guide for City Staff
- Buy equipment through the Technology Marketplace contract. Unlike other citywide contracts, it is a collection of prequalified vendors - not a list of products.
- Vendors on the Technology Marketplace contract maintain listings of electronic products that meet the City's requirements, and also offer other services such as packaging takeback.
Citywide Contract
See discounted prices in the most recent Technology Store User Guide.
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