Rainforest Alliance Certified Coffee

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Info on this product category: Food, Drinks, Catering, Vending Machines


Also try to be zero waste and:

  • Use reusable servingware, foodware and napkins (e.g., ones that caterers will takeback) or other less-toxic foodware
  • Use the least amount of packaging (ideally no cling wrap)

See the Zero Waste Event Checklist on how to comply with the Mandatory Recycling and Composting Ordinance, such as where to donate leftover food.

Criteria for Food, Drinks, Catering, Vending Machines


Guide for City Staff

San Francisco created the:

  • First comprehensive food policy in 2009 for the City which addresses hunger, healthy food for City meetings and events, food production on City owned land and more.
  • Ordinance 99-15 barring the City and its contractors or grantees from selling or distributing sugar-sweetened beverages.

  • Ordinance 91-16 setting nutritional standards for food and beverages sold in vending machines on city property or served at city meetings and events.


Citywide Contract

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